Our NHS still needs us ­– can you help?

There’s lots to celebrate as our lives start to emerge from the pandemic, but our NHS is still struggling with many aspects of its work, and HEART’s been asked specifically if we can help out.


The GP network is doing an amazing job vaccinating people all over Hastings. But numbers in some areas are still low. They’ve asked us to help find out why. Could you spare a few hours a week calling people up from home to find out why they may not yet have got their jabs? You’ll get full training and really play a key role in making Hastings a safer place for everyone. Just let us know by filling in your details HERE.


With the vaccine booster programme, plus new pop-up clinics opening at local pharmacies AND a new centre at Hastings Town Hall, GPs badly need our help distributing flyers and leaflets AND at the clinics themselves. This could mean anything from posting flyers through letterboxes to actually helping manage queues of people waiting for the jabs where the clinics are taking place. Could you spare a few hours with this really important part of the programme? If so, let us know HERE.

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HEART’s amazing team of Road Runners have been doing a sterling job for months ferrying people who struggle to get to their vaccination appointments. Now we’ve been asked to help ease pressures on the Ambulance Service, whose transport work has multiplied getting people to life-saving hospital appointments for eye and kidney ailments.

Might you be able to join our Road Runner network? It’s a great service, your expenses are fully covered, and you’ll really help make a difference. Please join our Road Runner team HERE.

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HEART’s new Home Connect service does fantastic work making sure vulnerable people are getting food, fuel, and other services to help people maintain their independence at home. Now it’s being extended to help people being discharged from the Conquest Hospital. You’ll get full training, a DBS certificate if you need one, and you’ll be making a real difference to someone’s life in getting them the help they need. Please let us know if you could be one of Heart’s Home Connectors HERE.

We know many people are enjoying getting life back to normal but, for many, the problems brought by the pandemic are far from over. If you can spare a few hours to keep up HEART’s work in helping our community get back on its feet it would be truly appreciated


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