Samantha’s volunteer story
Samantha Waddington HEART Community Volunteer
Samantha’s Volunteer Story
I work as a carer and my hobbies include gardening, my dog and two cats. I’m a bit of an old hippy and a pagan. I believe in communities working together and mutual support. I have a limiting illness myself, so am appreciative of the needs of others.
I first became involved with HEART when I saw the group online. I thought it was a fab idea and wanted to get involved.
I like to feel that I am a conscientious member of my local community. I wanted to volunteer to encourage relationships and helping each other out, communities can only benefit from local support.
I shop weekly and collect prescriptions for one household, and do some random shopping for another lady. With both, the relationship has developed into friends, with one lady opening up to me about her worries. The other lady we spend lots of time on calls now about our gardens.
The aspect of volunteering I have really enjoyed is getting to know people I probably wouldn't have met otherwise. Feeling like I am of benefit to people and my community helps my own social anxiety. It massively helps my mental health for all those reasons. Just to be part of something positive.
We talk about gardening, I feel like I am friends with these ladies now. There have been lots of moments of me stood in Morrisons with the phone in one hand, asking staff where items are as I have no clue! Even worse when they move things around!
It’s a brilliant way to be part of your local community and feel like you’re giving something back. It will benefit you as much as those you do tasks for, just to be part of something positive.